Eclipse Engineers, PLLC is a locally-owned firm that was founded in April 2009 in Lexington, Kentucky that specializes in water and wastewater services for municipalities, water districts and water associations. As can be seen from our past projects, members of our staff have a broad range of experience in water and wastewater design. We offer services beginning with the initial concept of a project through the completion of construction and our network of experienced subconsultants give us the same capabilities as a full-service firm.
With local control and low overhead, we will provide excellent, expeditious service on all of our projects.
Specific experience that makes Eclipse Engineers uniquely qualified includes the following:
- A President that is involved and will stay involved with projects and the client through the duration of the project.
- A staff that strives to remain at the forefront of emerging technologies in water treatment and distribution as well as wastewater collection and treatment; therefore, providing excellent, unbiased recommendations of the best available technology available to fit the client’s unique application.
- The ability to provide GIS and GPS services to survey-grade accuracy.
- A staff that is proficient in obtaining all required permits from the various regulatory agencies including encroachment permits from the Kentucky Department of Highways; floodplain, water quality, and construction permits from the Kentucky Division of Water; and stream crossings permits from the US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Proven design management and cost control solutions that result in competitive bids and keep projects within budget.
The President of Eclipse Engineers, Alan Robinson, serves as Project Manager for all projects. He has over 13 years of design and project management experience in the field of water and wastewater beginning as a surveyor in 1997. We believe our background knowledge; relevant experience with water and wastewater treatment plants, water distribution systems, and sewage collection systems make Eclipse Engineers uniquely qualified to perform work for your Utility. We have the resources available to meet any schedule and with our low overhead, we have the ability to provide a very cost competitive broad list of services.
Eastern Kentucky University, Bachelor of Science in Biology, 2011
Management and Surveying Experience
Microsoft Office Products
Adobe Products
Trimble GPS Products
Mr. Richardson's experience includes 5 years in practicing management roles involving various tasks in keeping the company at optimal efficiency and accuracy. Mr. Richardson has experience in both Microsoft Office and Adobe software in almost all aspects of civil engineering and management rolls including water and wastewater specifications, shop drawings, bid proposals, easements, facility plans and manuals, accounting, and record organization. Mr. Richardson’s surveying experience includes operation of Trimble GPS equipment, and is proficient in the study of land topography.
Past Projects
Moren and Tobacco Road Sanitary Sewer Replacement; London Utility Commission, London, KY
I-75 Frontage Road Waterline and Sanitary Sewer Relocations; London Utility Commission, London, KY
Morehead Water Treatment Plant Filter Rehab; Morehead Utility Plant Board, Morehead, KY
Morehead Stormwater MasterPlan; Morehead Utility Plant Board, Morehead, KY
Wastewater Facilities Plan; London Utility Commission, London, KY
Marion Wastwater Treatment Plant; City of Marion, Marion, KY
Science Hill KY 1247 Booster Station; City of Science Hill, Science Hill, KY
Casey County High School Gas Main Relocation; City of Somerset, Somerset, KY
Debbie Lane Pump Station #10 and Force Main Replacement; City Utilities Commission of Corbin, Corbin, KY